Drug Offences
Drug Possession Specialist Lawyers
Possession of a prohibited drug carries a maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment. Consequently, the offence is viewed seriously by the courts. It is a summary offence which means that it is prosecuted in the Local Court only. Barker Evans Lawyers are specialists in criminal law, and have represented countless people charged with Possess Prohibited Drug.
Supply Prohibited Drug
Supply of prohibited drugs is one of the most serious drug related offences. It is also one of the most common and therefore carries severe penalties upon conviction. Barker Evans Lawyers are specialists in criminal law and have represented countless people charged with Supply Prohibited Drugs.
Drug Importation
Manufacture and Production of Prohibited Drugs
The manufacture of a prohibited drug is a serious drug related offence and, in most cases, those found guilty of this offence can expect a conviction and the imposition of a substantial penalty.
Ongoing Supply
The supply of prohibited drugs on an ongoing basis in an offence under section 25A of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW).
The offence involves the supply of a prohibited drug other than cannabis for financial or material reward and must involve at least three separate occasions of supply during the period of thirty days.
The maximum penalty for this offence is 20 years’ imprisonment and/or a fine of $385,000. This offence must be dealt with in the District Court.
Allowing Use of Premises as a Drug Premises
The offence is committed if an owner or occupier of any premises allows it to be used as a drug premises. Offences related to drug supply are regarded as serious crimes by the courts and often will result in jail sentence.